Friday night videos

Here at last are 5 more songs from the Tom Price Desert Classic, captured at the Fantagraphics Bookstore & Gallery 1st Anniversary party on 12/8/07 by our New Sales Guy and videographer at large Jason T. Miles. We won't choke your browser with all 5 embedded videos; instead, simply click through to our YouTube page to watch.

Be our fan on Facebook

Now that Facebook lets companies (or "brands" or whatever) have profiles, we've got our very own and you can be our "fan." On that page, you can follow Flog in a mini-feed, see photos and events, write on our "wall," and even leave us some "graffiti" like Renee French did: Thanks Renee and everyone else who's "fanned" us already, with extra-special thanks if you're posing with Fantagraphics comics in your profile photo:    Earlier in 2007 we had a special sale just for our social-networking "friends" — chances are we'll do it again in 2008. Hint hint!

Leah Hayes covers McSweeney’s

McSweeney's #25 features a gorgeous cover by Leah Hayes that the accompanying jpg hardly does justice of. Leah's first graphic novel, FUNERAL OF THE HEART, will be out in a couple of months from Fantagraphics (and don't miss her first solo comic, HOLY MOLY, also published by Fanta a couple of years ago – it's still available).

Jog does Percy

One of my favorite books we published this year was PERCY GLOOM by Cathy Malkasian. Jog writes a very nice review of the book here, and if you haven't seen PERCY yet, check it out.

Sacco interview

"I also think a comic, because of repeated images, can create an atmosphere of a place. There are certain things going on in the background that you don't have to mention over and over again. If you're writing about how much graffiti was on the wall in prose, you write it once, you don't write it every paragraph. Whereas in comics, it can be in the background on every panel so it sort of sinks into the reader's consciousness." Here's a short but sweet interview with Joe Sacco conducted by Chris Mautner.