We’re #3

We are pleased to point out that Amazon.com has ranked The Complete Peanuts 1963-1966 Box Set at #3 on their list of Best Books of 2007 – Top 10 Editors Picks: Graphic Novels. I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't suggest that you buy it directly from us. Amazon has us beat on price but they can't match the love.

Moomin, Superset, Soulless.

I know it's bad form to urge you to buy another publisher's books but I finally got ahold of Moomin 2 the other day and I can't recommend it enough. Up at the top of my list (next to Peanuts, Fletcher Hanks and Popeye) for reprint collections. It is every entry for amazing in the thesaurus. I still have only seen a little of v.1 as I can't find it in local shops or the B&N. Go figure. A great site that features nothing more than illustrators creating superheroes whose talents conquer the previous hero. Hilarious and endlessly time-wasting. The…

Mister Wonderful, Part 8

The new strip by Daniel Clowes. Read it here. Meanwhile, it looks like the episode of the Simpsons that features appearances by Daniel Clowes, Art Spiegelman, and Alan Moore has been rescheduled yet again from Nov. 11 to Nov. 18, but check your local listings.

New Release: New Tales of Old Palomar #3

New Tales of Old Palomar #3by Gilbert Hernandez The third and last installment of New Tales of Old Palomar, in which Gilbert Hernandez returns to some of his best-loved characters, focuses on the gorgeous but troubled Tonantzín. Everybody in Palomar seems to take the supernatural with a grain of salt, but young Tonantzín is determined to uncover the mystery of the laughing baby that only appears to her, haunting her daily life. What is the baby's link to the giant stone idols that stand outside the small town…? 32-page black & white 8.5" x 11" saddle-stitched softcover with jacket $7.95…

New Release: Betsy and Me

Betsy and Meby Jack Cole Having mastered comic books and gag cartoons, in 1958, nearly two decades after he unveiled Plastic Man to the world, Jack Cole set his sights on the cartoonist's pot of gold — a syndicated newspaper strip. He hit the bull's-eye with Betsy and Me, a breezy domestic farce focusing on a middle-class urban couple and their smart-aleck genius son. Cole stripped his style down to its bare essentials, creating a strip that sparkles with economy, wit, and charm. What gave the strip its edge, however, was Cole's innovative storytelling, which utilized ironic tension between protagonist…

New Release: Perla La Loca: A Love and Rockets Book

Perla La Loca: A Love and Rockets Bookby Jaime Hernandez Perla begins with the "Wigwam Bam" story, arguably Jaime Hernandez's definitive statement on the post-punk culture. As Maggie, Hopey, and the rest of the Locas prowl Los Angeles, the East Coast, and parts in between trying to recapture the carefree spirit of those early days. "Wigwam Bam" brings us up to date on all the members of Jaime's extensive cast of characters and then drops a narrative bomb on Hopey (and us) in the very last pages. Split up from Hopey yet again, Maggie bounces back and forth between a…

New Release: Beyond Palomar: A Love and Rockets Book

Beyond Palomar: A Love and Rockets Bookby Gilbert Hernandez Beyond Palomar collects two of Gilbert's groundbreaking works about the Central American hamlet of Palomar in one affordable book. "Poison River" is a dizzying period piece often hailed as one of Hernandez's masterpieces. It traces the pre-Palomar childhood of Luba, her teenage marriage to gangster Peter Rio, the secrets behind her mysterious mother, all the way up to her subsequent escape and arrival in Palomar. "Love and Rockets X," set in the early 1990s (in the waning years of Bush I's post-Reagan hangover, with Gulf War I in the background), takes…